Thursday, September 30, 2010

Frédi és Béni, a két kőkorszaki szaki

A Frédi és Béni, a két kőkorszaki szaki (eredeti cím: The Flintstones) egy amerikai rajzfilmsorozat, amelyet Joseph Barbera és William Hanna készített 1960 és 1966 között. A sorozat egy őskori család kalandjait mutatja be.

A rajzfilmek magyar szövegét Romhányi József írta, és szemben az eredetivel, végig rímekbe szedett és nyelvi játékokkal tűzdelt szöveg festi alá a képsorokat. Romhányi magyar szövegei a magyar beszélt kultúra részeivé váltak. Egy városi legenda szerint Romhányi fordítása annyira jól sikerült, hogy az amerikai változatot újraszinkronizálták Romhányi szövegei után. 1994-ben és 2000-ben két élőszereplős film készült a sorozat alapján.

Kiviset ja Soraset (engl. The Flintstones) on Hanna-Barberan tuottama animaatiosarja, joka huomioitiin Emmy-ehdokkuudella. Sarja kertoo kivikauden ihmisistä, joille nykyajan keksinnöt, kuten autot ja pölynimurit, eivät ole vieraita. Sarjaa pidetään usein vain piirrossarjana, mutta todellisuudessa se oli oikeastaan tilannekomedia-sarja taustanauruineen. Sarjaan perustuu myös spin-off Kivikylän mukulat (engl. The Flintstone Kids).

Animaatiosarjasta on tehty myös sarjakuva, kaksi elokuvaa ja Nintendo -peli.


Le doublage québécois a grandement contribué au succès de la série chez les francophones d'Amérique du Nord. En effet contrairement à la majorité des doublages réalisés au Québec, l'accent et le français québécois typiques, où abondent les références culturelles locales, ont été préférés au « français international ». On y retrouve des comédiens célèbres de l'époque dont Paul Berval (Fred Caillou), Denise Proulx (Délima Caillou), Claude Michaud (Arthur Laroche), Monique Miller (Bertha Laroche) et Benoît Marleau (Dino). Plusieurs autres artistes y font des apparitions comme Jean Besré (Charlot), Luc Durand (Joe Tête-de-Pierre), Béatrice Picard et Janine Fluet (mère de Délima), Janine Sutto (grand-mère Lance-Roche) et Serge Turgeon (Grand Boubou). Cet accent a par la suite assuré le succès de plusieurs films, tels que Slap Shot (Lancé-frappé au Québec) ou Flodder (Les Lavigueur déménagent au Québec), ou séries comme Les Simpson.

Les épisodes diffusés de 1993 à 1995 sur Cartoon Network reprenaient ce doublage - avec en prime, la chanson du générique en français - contrairement aux épisodes précédemment diffusés en France, dotés du doublage réalisé en France dans les années 1960 avec les comédiens habituels des cartoons Hanna-Barbera de l'époque : Roger Carel (Fred Pierrafeu), Gérard Hernandez (Barney Laroche), Evelyne Grandjean (Wilma Pierrafeu) et Laurence Crouzet (Betty Laroche)

Les acteurs québécois du doublage originel ont repris du service lors du film en prises de vues réelles produit par « Steven Spielrock » (sic!) en 1994. Ce doublage est disponible sur le Laserdisc NTSC canadien et le DVD zone 1. La version française de la zone 2, elle, a privilégié les voix « habituelles » des comédiens et non celles du dessin animé : John Goodman (Fred) est doublé par Jacques Frantz et Rick Moranis (Barney) par Luq Hamet, qui avait été le présentateur de l'émission Hanna-Barbera Ding-Dong.

Títol d'una sèrie de dibuixos animats ambientada en l'edat de pedra.

Creadors: Joseph Barbera i William Hanna.

Hi ha dues famílies protagonistes: els Picapedra (Flintstones, en l'original) i els Terregam (Rubbles, que en castellà van traduir per Mármol).

Tots viuen al carrer Pedregada del poble de Rocadura.

Els membres de la família Picapedra són Fred i Wilma; la seva filla, Pebbles, i Dino, un dinosaure que fa d'animal de companyia.

Els membres de la família Terregam són Barney i Betty, i el seu fill, Bam-bam.

Els pares treballen en una sorrera, el propietari de la qual és el senyor Pissarra.

Dels objectes que usen, els més coneguts són el troncmòbil (mena de cotxe sense rodes) i el cornòfon (telèfon). Dels diners en diuen cloïsses.

Porodica Kremenko (engl. The Flintstones) poznata i kao Kremenkovi ali i Kamenkovi, je američka animirana televizijska serija u proizvodnji Hana i Barbera produkcije. Kremenkovi su prva animirana serija namenjena odraslima koja se emitovala u udarnjim večernjim terminima. Koncept serije se pokazao kao izuzetno popularan i ubrzo su stvoreni i Džetsonovi (engl. The Jetsons).

Porodica Kremenko je jedna od najuspešnijih animiranih televizijskih serija svih vremena. Serija iz 1950-ih The Honeymooners je bila inspiracija kreatorima Kremenkovih za stvaranje njihovih crtanih junaka. Kremenkovi su premijerno prikazivani u udarnim terminima na američkoj TV-mreži ABC počevšio od 1960. pa sve do 1966 kada je serijal prekinuta posle šest sezona.

U Srbiji, Kremenkovi su poslednji put reprizirani na BK TV.

Vabimo vas, da se vrnete v zgodovino ... V svet pred časom, pred civilizacijo. V čas, preden je najbolj priljubljena ameriška kamenodobna družina sploh postala družina.

Universal Pictures predstavlja Kremenčkove - Viva Rock Vegas, v katerem nastopajo Mark Addy (The Full Monty), Stephen Baldwin (The Usual Suspects), Kristen Johnston (3rd Rock from the Sun), Jane Krakowski (Ally McBeal), Thomas Gibson (Dharma & Greg), Alan Cumming (Broadway"s Cabaret), Alex Meneses (Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman), Harvey Korman (The Carol Burnett Show) in Joan Collins (Dynasty).

Režiser Brian Levant (Beethoven) in producent Bruce Cohen (American Beauty) sta ponovno združila moči in ustvarila uvod v že videno svetovno uspešnico Kremenčkovi. Izvirni scenarij so na osnovi animirane serije napisali Deborah Kaplan & Harry Elfont in Jim Cash & Jack Epps, Jr. Nadarjeno ekipo dopolnjujejo še direktor fotografije Jamie Anderson (Small Soldiers), montažer Kent Beyda (Georg of the Jungle), kostumograf Robert Turturice (Batman and Robin) in skladatelj David Newman (The Nutty Professor). Vizualni efekti so delo studiev Rhythm and Hues (Babe), lutke pa so nastale v Jim Henson"s Creature Shop (George of the Jungle).


Celých šesť sezón zabávali postavičky z kamennej doby svojich divákov. Bola to satira a fraška pre rodičov a zábava pre deti. Posledná 166. epizóda seriálu mala premiéru 1. apríla 1966. Od začiatku sa so seriálom spája Fredov pokrik jaba-daba-dú.

Fred a Wilma Flintstonovci a ich najlepší priatelia Barney a Betty Rubbleovci žili v predhistorickej kamennej dobe v meste Bedrock a žili podobným životom ako súčasná pracujúca vrstva. Po celodennej práci v kameňolome sa dvojica susedov - priateľov vrátila na Fredovom automobile domov k svojim manželkám. Voľný čas trávili spoločne v prácach okolo domu alebo zábavou v kine, na bowlingu a podobne. Fred a Barney boli dokonca členmi mužského spoločenstva The Water Buffaloes.

Фли́нсто́уны (англ. The Flintstones) — американский комедийный мультсериал, рассказывающий о жизни Фреда Флинтстоуна и его друзей в каменном веке. Оригинальный мультсериал транслировал телеканал ABC с 30 сентября 1960 по 1 апреля 1966 года.

ретроспективі, що представляє найперші історії Фреда і Уїлми Флінстоун і їх кращих друзів - Барні і Бетти Рабл!

У цій класичній мульткомедии міста Бедрок особливе місце займає побутова техніка з "первісним" ухилом. Хобот мастодонта використовується як водопровідний кран і душ, птиця діє дзьобом як голка фонографа, а мусороїдний свинозаурус замінять сміттєпровід. Транспорт сімейства Флінтстоунов - новітній автомобіль з відкидним верхом, що наводиться в рух силоміць ніг, а улюблена домашня тварина - Діно, доброзичливий динозавр.

Подяка: за відоріпи
abodnya за запис і підгін серій
Oleggutsalo за підгін серій
Disturbed за страхування та запис серій
WriterMix за український постер


The Flintstones and the Rubbles are modern stone-age families. Fred and Barney work at Slate and Company, mining rock. Fred gives Barney some money so he and Betty can adopt a baby. When Fred and Barney take a test to determine who should become the new associate vice president, Barney returns the favor by switching his test answers for Fred's, whose answers aren't very good. Fred gets the executive position, but little realizes that he's being manipulated by Cliff Vandercave to be the fall guy for an embezzlement scheme.

"Stone-age" names

The Stone Age setting allowed for gags and puns involving rocks. For example, San Antonio becomes Sand-and-Stony-o: the country to the south of Bedrock's land is called Mexirock. Travel to "Hollyrock," a parody of Hollywood, usually involves an "airplane" flight — the "plane" in this case is often shown as a giant pterosaur. The last names "Flintstone" and "Rubble" are in line with these puns. So are the names of Bedrock's celebrities: "Cary Granite" (Cary Grant), "Stony Curtis" (Tony Curtis), "Ed Sulleyrock/Sulleystone" (Ed Sullivan), "Rock Pile/Quarry/Hudstone" (Rock Hudson), "Ann-Margrock" (Ann-Margret), "Jimmy Darrock" (James Darren), "Alvin Brickrock" (Alfred Hitchcock), "Perry Masonary/Masonite" (Perry Mason as played by Raymond Burr), "Mick Jadestone and The Rolling Boulders" (Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones), "Eppy Brianstone" (Brian Epstein) and "The Beau Brummelstones" (The Beau Brummels). In some cases, the celebrity featured also provided the voice: "Samantha" and "Darrin" from "Bewitched" were voiced by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. Examples from the above list include Ann-Margret, Curtis, Darrin, and the Beau Brummels. Other celebrities, such as "Ed Sulleystone" and "Alvin Brickrock", were rendered by impersonators.


The opening and closing credits theme during the first two seasons was called "Rise and Shine", a lively instrumental underscore accompanying Fred on his drive home from work. The tune resembled "The Bugs Bunny Overture (This is It!)," the theme song of "The Bugs Bunny Show", also airing on ABC at the time, and may have been the reason the theme was changed in the third season.

Starting in Season 3, Episode 3 ("Barney the Invisible"), the opening and closing credits theme was the familiar vocal, "Meet the Flintstones".

The musical underscores were credited to Hoyt Curtin for the show's first five seasons; Ted Nichols took over in 1965 for the final season.

A PRS for Music survey revealed that the Flintstones' theme tune was the most recognised kids TV theme tune amongst UK adults

"Stone-age" names

The Stone Age setting allowed for gags and puns involving rocks. For example, San Antonio becomes Sand-and-Stony-o: the country to the south of Bedrock's land is called Mexirock. Travel to "Hollyrock," a parody of Hollywood, usually involves an "airplane" flight — the "plane" in this case is often shown as a giant pterosaur. The last names "Flintstone" and "Rubble" are in line with these puns. So are the names of Bedrock's celebrities: "Cary Granite" (Cary Grant), "Stony Curtis" (Tony Curtis), "Ed Sulleyrock/Sulleystone" (Ed Sullivan), "Rock Pile/Quarry/Hudstone" (Rock Hudson), "Ann-Margrock" (Ann-Margret), "Jimmy Darrock" (James Darren), "Alvin Brickrock" (Alfred Hitchcock), "Perry Masonary/Masonite" (Perry Mason as played by Raymond Burr), "Mick Jadestone and The Rolling Boulders" (Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones), "Eppy Brianstone" (Brian Epstein) and "The Beau Brummelstones" (The Beau Brummels). In some cases, the celebrity featured also provided the voice: "Samantha" and "Darrin" from "Bewitched" were voiced by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. Examples from the above list include Ann-Margret, Curtis, Darrin, and the Beau Brummels. Other celebrities, such as "Ed Sulleystone" and "Alvin Brickrock", were rendered by impersonators.

Os Flintstones

Os Flintstones (em inglês: The Flintstones) é uma famosa série de televisão animada produzida pela Hanna-Barbera de 1960 a 1966. O desenho retrata o cotidiano de uma família de classe média da Idade da Pedra. Calcula-se que já foi assistido por 300 milhões de espectadores em 80 países, sendo dublado em 22 idiomas.

No desenho animado, a família Flintstone vive na cidade pré-histórica de Bedrock, trabalha numa pedreira e dirige um carro com rodas de pedra, movido pelos pés. Eles têm uma família de amigos, o casal Rubble, e animais de estimação: um dinossauro e um tigre dente de sabre. Com o tempo, surgiram a filha Pedrita, dos Flintstones, em 1962, e o filho adotivo Bambam, dos Rubbles, em 1963.[1]

Exibida pela primeira vez em 30 de setembro de 1960, Os Flintstones foi a primeira e a mais duradoura série animada de comédia de todos os tempos. Ela foi a primeira animação a exibir uma história contínua num episódio de meia hora, ao contrário dos desenhos animados até então, bem mais curtos. Ela foi também a primeira série de animação exibida em horário nobre e tornou seus criadores, a empresa Hanna-Barbera Productions, um dos maiores estúdios de Hollywood


The Flintstones, în română, Familia Flintstone, este un serial american de televiziune sub forma unor seriale de desene animate prezentate de canalul de televiziune ABC și produs de Hanna-Barbera Productions.

The Flintstones este unul dintre cele mai pline de succes seriale de televiziune create vreodată. Inspirat din acțiuni ale serialelor anilor 1950, așa cum ar fi The Honeymooners, The Flintstones se referă la viața de zi cu zi a unui "primitiv", Fred Flintstone, membru al "clasei muncitoare" din "epoca de piatră". Aventurile sale zilnice, precum și ale familiei sale, respectiv ale vecinilor și prietenilor lor din casa de alături, alcătuiesc structura și substanța serialului.

Serialul a fost prezentat în varianta originală de compania de televiziune ABC și a durat între 1960 și 1966. Ulterior, serialul a fost repreogramat de mai multe ori de către Screen Gems, Worldvision Enterprises, Turner Program Services și, respectiv de Warner Bros. Television, care are actualmente dreptul de proprietate al întregii serii.

Aventura se petrece într-o "Epoca de piatră", care imită la indigo societatea americană a deceniului 1961 - 1970. Totul pare a fi făcut din piatră, inclusiv numele protagoniștilor care sunt cuvinte referitoare la pietre și roci. Aici își are sălașul Fred Flinstone (Flintstone = "Pietriș fin") care este căsătorit cu Wilma. "Câinele" lor este de fapt un dinozaur pe nume Dino. Cuplul îi are ca vecini pe Betty și Barney Rubble {Rubble = "Pietre sfărâmate") cu care se înteleg foarte bine. Ei locuiesc în Bedrock {"Piatră de bază"). Ambele familii sunt puțin trăznite și au diverse aventuri hazlii.

Yabba Dabba Doo Flintstones Meet the Flintstones They're a Modern Stone Age family From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history Let's ride with the family down the street  Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet  When you're with the Flintstones Have a Yabba Dabba Doo time  A Dabba Doo time  We'll have a gay old time  Flintstones Meet the Flintstones They're a Modern Stone Age family  From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history Someday maybe Fred will win the fight  Then that cat will stay out for the night  When you're with the Flintstones Have a Yabba Dabba Doo time  A Dabba Doo time  We'll have a gay old time

Kamengrad je naziv za izmišljeni grad iz crtanog serijala Obitelj Kremenko.

Premda je u prvoj epizodi opisan kao grad sa samo 2 500 stanovnika, više asocira na američki grad srednje veličine. Ima TV stanice, bolnicu, zračnu luku, kuglanu, drive in bioskop itd.

Klima nije određena. Zbog palmi se grad svrštava u topli klimatski pojas, ali tijekom Božića pada snijeg.


Often the "prehistoric" analogue to a modern machine uses an animal. For example, when a character takes photographs with an instant camera, inside of the camera box, a bird carves the picture on a stone tablet with its bill. In a running gag, the animal powering such technology breaks the fourth wall, looks directly into the camera at the audience, shrugs, and remarks, "It's a living." Other commonly seen gadgets in the series include a baby woolly mammoth used as a vacuum cleaner; an adult woolly mammoth acting as a shower by spraying water with its trunk; elevators raised and lowered by ropes around brontosauruses' necks; "automatic" windows powered by monkeys on the outside; birds acting as "car horns," sounded by the driver pulling on their tails or squeezing their bodies; an "electric" razor made from a clam shell, vibrating from a honey-bee inside; a washing machine shown by a pelican with a beakful of soapy water; and a woodpecker whose beak is used to play a gramophone record.

"Stone-age" names

The Stone Age setting allowed for gags and puns involving rocks. For example, San Antonio becomes Sand-and-Stony-o: the country to the south of Bedrock's land is called Mexirock. Travel to "Hollyrock," a parody of Hollywood, usually involves an "airplane" flight — the "plane" in this case is often shown as a giant pterosaur. The last names "Flintstone" and "Rubble" are in line with these puns. So are the names of Bedrock's celebrities: "Cary Granite" (Cary Grant), "Stony Curtis" (Tony Curtis), "Ed Sulleyrock/Sulleystone" (Ed Sullivan), "Rock Pile/Quarry/Hudstone" (Rock Hudson), "Ann-Margrock" (Ann-Margret), "Jimmy Darrock" (James Darren), "Alvin Brickrock" (Alfred Hitchcock), "Perry Masonary/Masonite" (Perry Mason as played by Raymond Burr), "Mick Jadestone and The Rolling Boulders" (Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones), "Eppy Brianstone" (Brian Epstein) and "The Beau Brummelstones" (The Beau Brummels). In some cases, the celebrity featured also provided the voice: "Samantha" and "Darrin" from "Bewitched" were voiced by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. Examples from the above list include Ann-Margret, Curtis, Darrin, and the Beau Brummels. Other celebrities, such as "Ed Sulleystone" and "Alvin Brickrock", were rendered by impersonators.

El Sr. Hanna, ingeniero de profesión, comenzó su carrera en la animación durante la Depresión. Poco tiempo después, mientras trabajaba en MGM, se asoció con Joe Barbera, una alianza que duraría más de 60 años y que les dio a los dos hombres fama internacional. Su primer colaboración, "Puss Gets the Boot" introdujo a Tom y Jerry, cuyas aventuras le merecieron siete Premios de la Academia®.

La especialidad del Sr. Hanna era la sincronización oportuna de la comedia para lo cual era el maestro indiscutido como podemos apreciar en las caricaturas de "Tom y Jerry". El dúo fue exitoso no con el dialogo sino solamente en base a gags bien sincronizados y perfectamente acentuados por música y efectos de sonido.

Cuando Hanna-Barbera Producciones abrió sus puertas en 1957 los dos hombres desarrollaron un proceso de animación limitado que revolucionaría la forma en la que las caricaturas eran producidas, resultando en un oportunismo y efectividad de costos que les permitió crear varias temporadas de animación clásica para televisión.

Los Picapiedra

Los Picapiedra (en inglés The Flintstones) es una serie de animación de la productora Hanna Barbera Productions.[1] Fue estrenada por la cadena estadounidense ABC el 30 de septiembre de 1960 y fue emitida hasta el 1 de abril de 1966, con un total de 166 episodios. Además de algunos especiales y películas


Los Picapiedra, de Hanna-Barbera[2] fue una de las series animadas más exitosas de la historia de la televisión. Fred Flintstone y Barney Rubble eran Pedro Picapiedra y Pablo Mármol. Reflejaban la clase media de la sociedad estadounidense con sus salidas al campo, barbacoas en el jardín, partidas de bolos y troncomovil familiar. Las sufridas esposas, Betty y Wilma tenían que aguantar las ideas de Pedro y la complicidad obligatoria de Pablo, de donde nunca salían bien. Después de tantos años, aún siguen teniendo audiencia alrededor del mundo. La acción tiene lugar en un pueblo llamado Piedradura en la Edad de Piedra, pero con una sociedad idéntica a la de los Estados Unidos a mediados del siglo pasado. Es un mundo fantástico en el que los dinosaurios, los tigres dientes de sable, los mamuts y otros animales hoy extintos coexistían con los humanos, quienes usaban tecnología similar a la del siglo XX, pero en la que los animales sustituían a los aparatos eléctricos. Los personajes conducían automóviles formados por troncos de madera (troncomóviles), ruedas de piedra, en los que el motor era sustituido por el empuje de los pies de sus ocupantes. Las vestimentas eran de piel animal.

Uno de los recursos humorísticos utilizados en sus aventuras era el empleo de animales en las acciones cotidianas. Por ejemplo cuando un personaje tomaba fotografías con una cámara instantánea, se mostraba el interior de ella para ver que era un ave la que realizaba la fotografía picando una roca con su pico. Los personajes principales de la serie se conformaban por dos familias que eran las protagonistas: Los Picapiedra formada por Pedro Picapiedra, Vilma Picapiedra y los Mármol integrada por Pablo Mármol y Betty Mármol. En episodios posteriores se agregaron dos personajes más: los bebés Pebbles Picapiedra y Bam Bam Mármol, además de la mascota Dino y el marciano Gazú.

Les Pierrafeu (The Flintstones) est une série télévisée d'animation américaine en 166 épisodes de 25 minutes, créée par William Hanna et Joseph Barbera et diffusée entre le 30 septembre 1960 et le 1er avril 1966 sur le réseau ABC. Diffusée en première partie de soirée, elle a connu un immense succès.

En France, la série a été diffusée sur Antenne 2, dans le cadre de l'émission Hanna-Barbera Ding-Dong, puis sur Cartoon Network, et actuellement sur Boomerang. Au Québec, la série a été diffusée par Radio-Canada, TQS et est présentement en rediffusion sur Prise 2 et Télétoon Rétro. En Belgique, la série a été diffusée sur Club RTL, puis sur La Une. Il y a eu aussi 3 film d'animation 1966, 1993 et 1994.

Familie Feuerstein

Familie Feuerstein (engl. The Flintstones) ist eine US-amerikanische, von Hanna-Barbera produzierte Zeichentrickserie. Lange Zeit galt sie als die erfolgreichste Zeichentrickserie, bis sie 1997 von den Simpsons eingeholt wurde. Zunächst liefen sechs Staffeln von 1960 bis 1966 auf dem amerikanischen Sender ABC in der „Primetime“ (Hauptsendezeit), bis die Serie anschließend Teil der „Saturday morning cartoons“ wurde.

Inhalt [Bearbeiten]

Die Serie spielt in der steinzeitlichen Stadt Steintal (in den neuen Synchronfassungen Felsental) (OT: Bedrock), deren Gesellschaft mit der der amerikanischen Mittelschicht des 20. Jahrhunderts vergleichbar ist.

In dieser Stadt leben eiszeitliche Tiere wie Säbelzahntiger und Mammuts, aber auch Dinosaurier (die beim Auftauchen des modernen Menschen seit Urzeiten ausgestorben waren) zusammen mit Höhlenmenschen, welche aber über angepasste heutige Technik verfügen. Die Figuren fahren Autos aus Steinen, Holz und Tierfellen, oft werden die eigenen Füße als „Hilfsmotor“ eingesetzt. Dass die Serie in der Steinzeit spielt, hielt die Macher nicht davon ab, eine Weihnachtsepisode sowie weitere Weihnachtsspecials zu produzieren.

Viele Gags beruhen darauf, dass immer wieder Tiere als Gerätschaften herhalten müssen, wie zum Beispiel ein Mammut als Staubsauger oder ein Specht als „Plattenspieler“ oder als Bildhauer in einem „Fotoapparat“. Oft kommt es vor, dass diese Tiere nach ihrem Gebrauch in die Kamera schauen und Kommentare abgeben. Ein weiteres lustiges Merkmal ist, dass die Namen berühmter Personen mit zur Steinzeit passenden Ausdrücken verbunden werden und einen neuen Namen bilden. So wird der Schauspieler Tony Curtis zu Stoney Curtis.

The Flintstones

he Flintstones - Taş Devri - Çakmaktaşlar'ın 50. yaşına özel Google logo çalışması

The Flintstones olan ama çocukluğumuza Taş Devri ismiyle damga vuran çizgi film 50 yaşında.The Flintstones için google özel logo çalışması yaptı.The Flintstones belli bir yaş grubunun unutamadığı çizgi filmlerden birisi.

The Flintstones olan ama çocukluğumuza Taş Devri ismiyle damga vuran çizgi film 50 yaşında.The Flintstones için google özel logo çalışması yaptı.The Flintstones belli bir yaş grubunun unutamadığı çizgi filmlerden birisi.Bu tarihi anı kutlamak için, Google Çakmaktaşlar 50. Yıldönümü anısına bir Google Doodle yaptı. Çakmaktaşlar Google Doodle 30 Eylül tüm gün gösterilecek.

William Hanna ve Joseph Barbera ünlü Hanna-Barbera Productions sahibi Flintstones oluşturdu. ABC çok başarılı bir animasyon Amerikan sitcom Bu çünkü 30 Eylül 1960 1 Nisan 1966 arası televizyon yayını oldu.

The Flintstones

The Flintstones is an animated American television sitcom that ran from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 on ABC. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Flintstones is about a working class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next door neighbor and best friend. It has since been re-released on both DVD and VHS.

Critics and fans alike agree that the show was an animated imitation of The Honeymooners with rock puns thrown in. William Hanna admitted that "At that time "The Honeymooners" was the most popular show on the air, and for my bill, it was the funniest show on the air. The characters, I thought, were terrific. Now, that influenced greatly what we did with "The Flintstones"...."The Honeymooners" was there, and we used that as a kind of basis for the concept." However Joseph Barbera disavowed these claims in a separate interview, stating that "I don't remember mentioning "The Honeymooners" when I sold the show, but if people want to compare "The Flintstones" to "The Honeymooners," then great. It's a total compliment. "The Honeymooners" was one of the greatest shows ever written." Its popularity rested heavily on its juxtaposition of modern-day concerns in the Stone Age setting


The show is set in the Stone Age town of Bedrock. (In some of the earlier episodes, it was also referred to as "Rockville"). In this fantasy version of the past, dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, and other long extinct animals co-exist with barefoot cavemen. Like their 20th century peers, these cavemen listen to records, live in split-level homes, and eat out at restaurants, yet their technology is made entirely from pre-industrial materials and largely powered through the use of various animals. For example, the cars are made out of stone, wood, and animal skins, and powered by the passengers' feet.


Often the "prehistoric" analogue to a modern machine uses an animal. For example, when a character takes photographs with an instant camera, inside of the camera box, a bird carves the picture on a stone tablet with its bill. In a running gag, the animal powering such technology breaks the fourth wall, looks directly into the camera at the audience, shrugs, and remarks, "It's a living." Other commonly seen gadgets in the series include a baby woolly mammoth used as a vacuum cleaner; an adult woolly mammoth acting as a shower by spraying water with its trunk; elevators raised and lowered by ropes around brontosauruses' necks; "automatic" windows powered by monkeys on the outside; birds acting as "car horns," sounded by the driver pulling on their tails or squeezing their bodies; an "electric" razor made from a clam shell, vibrating from a honey-bee inside; a washing machine shown by a pelican with a beakful of soapy water; and a woodpecker whose beak is used to play a gramophone record.

"Stone-age" names

The Stone Age setting allowed for gags and puns involving rocks. For example, San Antonio becomes Sand-and-Stony-o: the country to the south of Bedrock's land is called Mexirock. Travel to "Hollyrock," a parody of Hollywood, usually involves an "airplane" flight — the "plane" in this case is often shown as a giant pterosaur. The last names "Flintstone" and "Rubble" are in line with these puns. So are the names of Bedrock's celebrities: "Cary Granite" (Cary Grant), "Stony Curtis" (Tony Curtis), "Ed Sulleyrock/Sulleystone" (Ed Sullivan), "Rock Pile/Quarry/Hudstone" (Rock Hudson), "Ann-Margrock" (Ann-Margret), "Jimmy Darrock" (James Darren), "Alvin Brickrock" (Alfred Hitchcock), "Perry Masonary/Masonite" (Perry Mason as played by Raymond Burr), "Mick Jadestone and The Rolling Boulders" (Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones), "Eppy Brianstone" (Brian Epstein) and "The Beau Brummelstones" (The Beau Brummels). In some cases, the celebrity featured also provided the voice: "Samantha" and "Darrin" from "Bewitched" were voiced by Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. Examples from the above list include Ann-Margret, Curtis, Darrin, and the Beau Brummels. Other celebrities, such as "Ed Sulleystone" and "Alvin Brickrock", were rendered by impersonators.

Monday, September 27, 2010

google 12 years

google 12 yaşında iyi ki varsın google
mutlu yıllar google

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Saturday, September 25, 2010

$10M to the 5 Project 10^100 winners

Project 10100 Winners

We are pleased to announce the winners of Google’s Project 10100.

Thousands of people from more than 170 countries submitted over 150,000 ideas. From that group, we narrowed it to the final 16 ideas for public vote.

The following five ideas received the most votes and are the winners of Project 10100. Over the past 12 months, we have reviewed concrete proposals to tackle these ideas. We are pleased to give a total of $10 million to five inspiring organizations working on solutions to each of these global challenges:

Proje 10^100'ün 5 kazananına 10 milyon ABD doları.

Proje 10100'ü Kazananlar

Google Proje 10100'ü kazananları duyurmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz.

170'ten fazla ülkeden binlerce kişi 150.000'in üzerinde fikir gönderdi. Bu gruptan, halka açık oylama için son 16 fikri belirledik.

Aşağıdaki beş fikir en çok oyu aldı ve Proje 10100'ü bu fikirler kazandı. Son 12 ay içinde, bu fikirleri gerçekleştirmeye yönelik somut teklifleri inceledik. Aşağıdaki küresel sorunların çözümü üzerinde çalışan beş başarılı kuruluşa toplam 10 milyon ABD doları vermekten mutluluk duyuyoruz:

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

img alt="Google" src="/images/logos/ps_logo2.png" id="hplogo" style=
"padding-top: 26px;" onload=""
height="126" width="364"

Juan de la Cierva y Codorníu (Murcia, España, 21 de septiembre de 1895 – Croydon, Reino Unido, 9 de diciembre de 1936): inventor y científico aeronáutico español, ingeniero de caminos, canales y puertos y aviador. Inventó el autogiro, aparato precursor del actual helicóptero.

Hijo del abogado criminalista, político y empresario Juan de la Cierva y Peñafiel, que llegó a ser ministro en varias ocasiones y alcalde de Murcia, desde su infancia destacó su interés por el mundo de la aviación, y junto a su amigo Tomás de Martín-Barbadillo construyó pequeños modelos capaces de volar

El autogiro

Junto con dos compañeros, José Barcala, antiguo compañero de estudios, y Pablo Díaz, hijo de un carpintero, fundó la sociedad B.C.D., cuyas siglas correspondían con las iniciales de sus tres apellidos, que fue pionera en el desarrollo aeronáutico dentro de España, y gracias a su capacidad, en 1912, contando sólo con 16 años, Juan de la Cierva logró construir y hacer volar un avión biplano, el BCD-1 apodado el Cangrejo, con piloto (el francés Mauvais) y pasajero a bordo.[cita requerida]

Mientras el avión es una aeronave de alas fijadas al fuselaje, el autogiro inventado por de la Cierva tiene alas fijadas a un rotor. El autogiro hace su irrupción en el panorama de la aviación sólo veinte años después de la invención de los hermanos Wright.

Juan de la Cierva construyó en Madrid en 1920 su primer autogiro, el Cierva C.1, utilizando fuselaje, ruedas y estabilizador vertical de un monoplano francés Deperdussin de 1911, sobre el que montó dos rotores cuatripalas contrarrotatorios coronados por una superficie vertical destinada a proporcionar control lateral; la planta motriz era un motor Le Rhône de 60 hp. El aparato no llegó a volar, pues el rotor inferior giraba a menos velocidad de la prevista, y el efecto giroscópico y la asimetría de la sustentación hicieron volcar lateralmente al aparato. A este primer autogiro siguieron dos construcciones también fallidas, el C.2 y el C.3, en las que el inventor intentó, infructuosamente, resolver el problema de la diferencia de sustentación entre la pala que avanza y la que retrocede. Sin embargo, en las pruebas del C.2 se consiguieron algunos saltos de unos dos metros, lo que apuntaba a la viabilidad del invento. La asimetría de la sustentación del rotor no se resolvería plenamente hasta el prototipo C.4, en el que la Cierva incluyó su revolucionaria idea de articular las palas del rotor en su raíz.

Los primeros ensayos del modelo C.4, construido en 1922 conforme a los nuevos principios, fueron infructuosos. Para su definitiva resolución, la Cierva realizó una completa serie de ensayos en el túnel de viento de circuito cerrado del aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos (obra de Emilio Herrera), por aquel entonces el mejor de Europa. El nuevo aparato corregido se probó exitosamente en enero de 1923 en el aeródromo de Getafe pilotado por el teniente Alejandro Gómez Spencer. Aunque dicho vuelo consistió únicamente en un «salto» de 183 m, demostró la validez del concepto. A finales del mes, el C.4 recorrió en cuatro minutos un circuito cerrado de 4 km en el aeródromo de Cuatro Vientos, cerca de Madrid, a una altura de unos 30 m. La planta motriz del C.4 era un motor Le Rhône 9Ja de 110 hp. En julio de 1923 se utilizó el mismo motor en el C.5, que voló en Getafe. A partir de ese momento, de la Cierva, que había financiado sus anteriores experimentos, trabajó con una subvención del gobierno español.

Falleció el 9 de diciembre de 1936 con 41 años al estrellarse en el despegue, en el aeropuerto de Croydon, el Douglas DC-2 de KLM en vuelo regular Londres-Amsterdam en el que viajaba

Belice (en inglés: Belize) es un país ribereño del mar Caribe, que limita con México al norte y Guatemala al oeste y al sur. Separada de Honduras por 75 kilómetros de distancia en el punto más cercano entre las dos naciones separadas por el golfo de Honduras, al este. Belice era anteriormente conocida como Honduras Británica y el nombre coloquial procede de la Ciudad de Belice (Belice City) y del río Belice. Su capital es Belmopán. La Ciudad de Belice es la ciudad más grande del país , el puerto principal y su antigua capital.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Roma capitale è un ente territoriale speciale, dotato di speciale autonomia, che entrerà in vigore in luogo dell'attuale comune di Roma, pur mantenendone invariati i confini[1], dal 20 settembre 2010.

Nasce in seguito alla riforma federalista della Repubblica italiana approvata con la riforma del titolo V parte II della Costituzione, garantendo alla città una maggiore autonomia nella gestione del proprio territorio.

Funzioni di Roma capitale

Roma capitale sarà un ente territoriale, i cui confini saranno quelli dell’attuale comune di Roma, e disporrà di autonomia statuaria, amministrativa e finanziaria nei limiti stabiliti dalla Costituzione e dai principi della legislazione statale. L’ordinamento di Roma capitale è diretto a garantire il miglior assetto delle funzioni che Roma è chiamata a svolgere quale sede degli organi costituzionali, nonché delle rappresentanze diplomatiche degli Stati esteri, ivi presenti presso la Repubblica italiana, presso lo Stato della Città del Vaticano e presso le istituzioni internazionali.

Roma capitale disporrà di tutte le funzioni amministrative adesso appartenenti al Comune di Roma, di quelle previste per una normale città metropolitana, e anche delle seguenti:

  • valorizzazione dei beni storici, artistici, ambientali e fluviali;
  • sviluppo economico e sociale di Roma capitale, con particolare riferimento al settore produttivo e turistico;
  • sviluppo urbano e pianificazione territoriale;
  • edilizia pubblica e privata;
  • organizzazione e funzionamento dei servizi urbani e di collegamento con i comuni limitrofi, con particolare riferimento al trasporto pubblico e alla mobilità;
  • protezione civile, in collaborazione con la presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri e la Regione Lazio;
  • ulteriori funzioni possono essere delegate dallo Stato italiano e dalla Regione Lazio, ai sensi dell’art. 118, secondo comma, della Costituzione italiana.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Grüss Gott und herzlich Willkommen auf unserer neuen Webseite zum Oktoberfest 2010 in München.

Das Münchner Oktoberfest 2010 geht von

Wir haben für alle Besucher des Oktoberfest München (bay. "Wiesn", engl. "Octoberfest Munich" genannt) viele nützliche Infos, Tipps und Links zusammengestellt.

Hier erfahren Wiesn-Touristen und Gäste der Stadt München alles über das Oktoberfest und sehr viel Interessantes über die bayerische Landeshauptstadt.

Wir wünschen allen Besuchern einen wunderschönen Aufenthalt in unserer herrlichen Stadt und auf dem weltweit
einmaligen Münchner Oktoberfest. Lasst es Euch so richtig gut gehen. Und vor allem.... habt recht viel Spass!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Se le conoce con el nombre de Bicentenario de la Independencia Mexicana al grupo de festividades que se realizarán en México, para celebrar los 200 años del inicio de la lucha armada por la Independencia de México y que se realizarán de forma paralela con los festejos del Centenario de la Revolución Mexicana en el año 2010. También se le conoce como Bicentenario de México. El 15 y 16 de septiembre de 2010, serán los días ofíciales de los festejos, aunque se llevarán a cabo distintos eventos previos a estas fechas.

El 2010, ha sido denominado el Año de la Patria por el presidente de México, Felipe Calderón

«Somos mexicanos, tenemos 200 años de ser libres, tenemos 100 años de haber hecho la Revolución mexicana, que también conmemoramos y éste espero que sea un mejor año para todas y para todos. Celebramos 200 años de ser orgullosamente mexicanos. 2010 es el Año de la Patria, en el que celebraremos el ser mexicanos con espíritu festivo y con ánimo renovado».

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Costa Rica es un país de Centroamérica. Limita al norte con Nicaragua y al sureste con Panamá. Su territorio es bañado al este por el mar Caribe, en el cual tiene límites marítimos con Nicaragua, Colombia y Panamá y al oeste por el océano Pacífico. Su capital, centro político y económico es San José. El idioma oficial es el español. También se le conoce como la suiza centroamericana, por su gran belleza y el alto nivel de vida de su nación.

Costa Rica es una de las democracias más consolidadas de América. Es el único país de América Latina incluido en la lista de las 22 democracias más antiguas del mundo.[4] Ganó reconocimiento mundial al abolir el ejército el 1 de diciembre de 1948, abolición que fue perpetuada en la Constitución de 1949 Costa Rica ocupa el tercer lugar a nivel mundial en la clasificación del índice de desempeño ambiental de 2009.Entre los países de América Latina, Costa Rica ocupa el primer lugar en la clasificación del índice de competitividad turística, y el lugar 42 a nivel mundial Su índice de desarrollo humano es el sexto mejor de Latinoamérica.

Ocupa el tercer lugar en Latinoamérica según el Índice de calidad de vida y el segundo en cuanto al Índice de Competitividad Global después de Chile. Según el Banco Mundial de Desarrollo Costa Rica es el cuarto exportador de tecnología a nivel mundial detrás de Filipinas, Malasia y Singapur. En 2007, el Gobierno de Costa Rica anunció planes para convertirse en el primer país del mundo carbono neutral para el año 2021 cuando cumplirá su bicentenario como nación. De acuerdo con la Fundación Nueva Economía, Costa Rica ocupa el primer lugar en el Índice del Planeta Feliz (HPI) y es el "más verde" de los países del mundo.

The founders of the band - Vadim Samoylov (born in Sverdlovsk, October 3, 1964), Aleksandr Kozlov (born in Asbest, September 25, 1961) and Petr Mai—were schoolmates, they played together in a school band. In 1985 they (together with Vadim's younger brother Gleb Samoylov, who was born in Asbest, August 4, 1970) created a music band named ВИА РТФ УПИ (which literally stands for: vocal-instrumental ensemble of Radioengineering faculty of Ural Polytechnical Institute). The original band comprises:

  • Gleb Samoylov (Глеб Самойлов) — vocals, guitar, bass, lyrics, adaptation, keyboard
  • Vadim Samoylov (Вадим Самойлов) — vocals, guitar, bass, lyrics, adaptation, keyboard
  • Pyotr Mai (Пётр Май) — drums, percussion
  • Aleksandr Kozlov (Александр Козлов) — keyboard, composer/lyrics (now deceased)

They released several tape albums: Esli (If), Svet (Light), Golos (Voice) and others. In the same year they changed the name of the band to Agatha Christie after English detective writer Agatha Christie. The name was chosen allegedly as best reflecting the band's sound style, a mysterious, eccentric, and at times sadistically spooky mix of glam, goth rock, and techno-like electronics.

The official birthday of Agatha Christie is February 20, 1988, the day of their first concert and the release of the first official album Vtoroy front (Second Front). In 1988-1989 Agatha Christie played at several rock festivals and was noticed. At this time Peter Mai left the band and was replaced by Albert Potapkin. Still, two more albums to follow — Kovarstvo i lyubov (Craft and Love) and Dekadans (Decadence) — seemed overly theatrical and pompous. There were also some internal tensions in the band. Albert Potapkin left and was replaced by Andrey Kotov (born in Sverdlovsk, April 3, 1963).

In 1993 the band released a much more focused and balanced album Pozornaya zvezda (Shameful Star), which marked a shift from the guitar-driven glam rock of the previous albums to synth-based post-punk with a more subdued vocal delivery. The next album Opium enjoyed considerable success. Agatha Christie quickly became a popular act. Two songs from Opium, "Skazochnaya taiga" (Fairy Taiga) and "Opium dlya nikogo" (Opium for Nobody), became hits. The next albums, Uragan (Hurricane) and Chudesa (Miracles), were gloomy, even depressive, and loaded with electronics, a move which was not welcomed by many of the band's fans. A 2000 Mein Kaif? (a word-play derived from Mein Kampf and the Russian word "Kaif", meaning 'bliss') featured sound no less gloomy and bleak than its predecessors, but received critical praise because of its unorthodox composition and song structures. In 2001 the founding keyboardist Aleksandr Kozlov died, which is said to be the reason for prolonged creative stagnation. It was only in 2004 that the Samoylovs released the next album, Triller. Chast 1 (Thriller. Part 1). Despite a significant stylistic deviation from the band's trademark murky electronic sound, this lean, heavier, hard rock-infused album was generally well received by both listeners and critics. Several songs from this album made to the top of charts in Russia. In 2008 Andrey Kotov left the band, but soon the Samoylovs recruited two new musicians: Dmitry "Snake" Khakimov (drums) and Konstantin Bekrev (keyboards and bass-guitar). Several days before the band's 21st anniversary in February 2009 the band announced that they will finish their career as Agatha Christie with the final album Epilogue which was released in 2010.

While being less prolific in the 2000s, Agatha Christie have proved to be quite long-lasting a project. Over their history, the band explored a variety of styles, from the synth-pop of Depeche Mode and Freddie Mercury's extravaganza to the gloomy post-punk of The Cure and The Damned. Unlike the majority of the Russian rock scene, which historically adhered to the guitar-driven rock, Agatha Christie embraced a hefty share of synthesizer rhythms and drums, which, together with the characteristic vocals switching from suggestive whisper to hysterical shrieks, makes their style easily recognizable. Agatha Christie won the Grand-Prix of the festival of young European bands Open du Rock (France, 1991), World Music Award as the most popular Russian music band (Monte-Carlo, 1997), and four national "Овация (Ovation)" prizes.


Spanish rule

In the early sixteenth century, the Spanish conquistadors ventured into ports to extend their dominion to the area. They called the land "(Provincia De Nuestro Señor Jesus Cristo, El Salvador Del Mundo)" ("Province Of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Savior Of The World"), which was subsequently abbreviated to "El Salvador". Pedro de Alvarado sent an expedition into the region from Guatemala in 1524, but the indigenous Pipil drove them out in 1526. In 1528 he sent a second expedition, which succeeded, and the Spanish founded their first capital city in El Salvador at a place known today as Ciudad Vieja, the first site of the Villa de San Salvador, 10 km. south of Suchitoto. This capital was occupied from 1528 until 1545 when it was abandoned, and the capital city moved to where modern San Salvador is today.

Towards the end of 1811, a combination of internal and external factors motivated Central American elites to attempt to gain independence from the Spanish Crown. The most important internal factor was the desire of local elites to control the country's affairs free of involvement from Spanish authorities. The main external factors motivating the independence movement were the success of the French and American revolutions in the eighteenth century, and the weakening of the Spanish Crown's military power as a result of the Napoleonic Wars, with the resulting inability to control its colonies effectively.

On the 5th of November 1811, Salvadoran priest José Matías Delgado, rang the bells of Iglesia La Merced in San Salvador, calling for insurrection and launching the 1811 Independence Movement. This insurrection was suppressed and many of its leaders were arrested and served sentences in jail. Another insurrection was launched in 1814, and again it was suppressed. Finally, on September 15, 1821, in light of unrest in Guatemala, Spanish authorities capitulated and signed the 'Acta de Independencia' (Deed of Independence) which released all of the Captaincy of Guatemala (comprising current territories of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica and the Mexican state of Chiapas) from Spanish rule and declared its Independence.

In early 1822, the authorities of the newly independent Central American provinces, meeting in Guatemala City, voted to join the newly constituted First Mexican Empire under Agustín de Iturbide. El Salvador resisted, insisting on autonomy for the Central American countries. A Mexican military detachment marched to San Salvador and suppressed dissent, but with the fall of Iturbide on 19 March 1823, the army decamped back to Mexico. Shortly thereafter, the authorities of the provinces revoked the vote for joining Mexico, deciding instead to form a federal union of the five remaining provinces (Chiapas permanently joined Mexico at this juncture).


In 1823, the United Provinces of Central America was formed by the five Central American states under General Manuel José Arce. When this federation was dissolved in 1839, El Salvador became an independent republic. El Salvador's early history as an independent state was marked by frequent revolutions.

From 1872 to 1898, El Salvador was a prime mover in attempts to reestablish an isthmian federation. The governments of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua formed the Greater Republic of Central America via the Pact of Amapala in 1895. Guatemala and Costa Rica considered joining the Greater Republic (which was rechristened the United States of Central America when its constitution went into effect in 1898), but neither country did so. This union, which had planned to establish its capital city at Amapala on the Golfo de Fonseca, did not survive a coup in El Salvador in 1898.

The enormous profits that coffee yielded as a monoculture export served as an impetus for the process whereby land became concentrated in the hands of an oligarchy of few families.[citation needed] A succession of presidents from the ranks of the Salvadoran oligarchy, nominally both conservative and liberal, throughout the last half of the nineteenth century generally agreed on the promotion of coffee as the predominant cash crop, on the development of infrastructure (railroads and port facilities) primarily in support of the coffee trade, on the elimination of communal landholdings to facilitate further coffee production, on the passage of anti-vagrancy laws to ensure that displaced campesinos and other rural residents provided sufficient labor for the coffee fincas (plantations), and on the suppression of rural discontent. In 1912, the national guard was created as a rural police force.

20th century

The economy was based on coffee-growing after the mid-19th century and, as the world market for indigo withered away, prospered or suffered as the world coffee price fluctuated. El Salvador president Tomas Regalado came to power by force in 1898 and his regime lasted until 1903. He reinitiated designating presidential successors. Up until 1913 El Salvador had been politically stable, but there was popular discontent as well, president Araujo was killed and there are many hypotheses for his murder.

Araujo was followed by the Melendez-Quinonez dynasty that lasted from 1913 to 1927. Pio Romero Bosque, ex-Minister of the Government, succeeded president Jorge Melendez and in 1930 he announced free elections in which Ing. Arturo Araujo came to power on March 1, 1931. His government only lasted nine months. His Labor Party lacked political and government experience and many Labor party members used government offices inefficiently.

In that year, Farabundo Martí came back from exile that was ordered by Romero Bosque, sending him to California and spending time in San Pedro Immigration Office. He was visited by some local leftists. President Romero Bosque sent him away before the upcoming 1930 presidential elections for his communist activities. President Araujo faced popular discontent as people expected economic reforms and land. Demonstrations started since the first week of his government in front of the National Palace. His Minister of War was General Maximiliano Hernández Martínez and his National Police Director Rochac, the president's brother-in-law.

A coup d'état was organized by junior officers and the first strike started in the First Regiment of Infantry across from the National Palace in downtown San Salvador and only the First Regiment of Calvary and the National Police was loyal to the president and defended him (the National Police had been paid its payroll), but later that night on December 1931, after hours of military fight and outnumbered surrendered to the military revolution.

The Directorate composed by officers had behind a shadowy figure, who is told by Thomas Anderson in his book Matanza, his name was Rodolfo Duke, a rich man and also General Martínez. The causes of the revolt are mainly supposed to be for the army discontent against president Araujo for not paying the army for some months. Araujo left the National Palace and later tried to organize to defeat the revolt, but was unable.

The U.S. Minister in El Salvador met with the Directorate and later recognized the government with Vice President Martínez who agreed to have later presidential elections. (Martínez resigned in 1934 six months before the presidential elections to be able to run for the presidency and then as the only candidate won the election ruling from 1935 to 1939 and then 1939-1943 and finally started his 4th term in 1944 but resigned in May after the General strike. Martínez said he was going to respect the Constitution which said he couldn't be reelected, but he didn't).

From December 1931, the year of the coup in which Martínez came to power, there was brutal suppression of rural resistance. The most notable event was the February 1932 Salvadoran peasant uprising, commonly referred to as La Matanza (the massacre), organized by Farabundo Martí and with leaders like Abel Cuenca, and other academic people like Alfonso Luna and Mario Zapata. Only Abel Cuenca survived, the other communists were killed by the government.

Agata Kristi (15. septembar 1890. — 12. januar 1976) je bila britanska književnica, autor brojnih kriminalističkih romana. Kao najpoznatijeg svetskog pisca misterija nazivaju je i „kraljicom zločina“.[traži se izvor od 09. 2009.] Tokom svoje književne karijere koja je trajala više od pola veka napisala je 79 knjiga, od toga 66 kriminalističkih romana, i više zbirki kratkih priča i drugih dela, koja su prodata do sada u više od dve milijarde primeraka širom sveta i prevedena na više od 50 jezika. Zabeleženo je da su jedino su Biblija i Šekspirova dela doživela veću prodaju od romana Agate Kristi.[traži se izvor od 09. 2009.] Njena drama „Mišolovka“ je premijerno izvedena u Londonu 25. novembra 1952. godine, i to delo je do sada najduže neprestano igran komad u istoriji pozorišta koje je imalo više od 20.000 izvođenja.[traži se izvor od 09. 2009.]

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Babası Frederick Alvah Millet, Agatha henüz küçük yaştayken öldü. Annesi tarafından evde eğitilen küçük kız, yalnız bir çocukluk geçirdi. Küçük yaşta öyküler yazmaya başladı. 16 yaşında, şan öğrenimi görmek üzere Paris’e yollandıysa da kısa sürede bundan vazgeçti. Ciddi anlamda ilk edebi denemeleri, duygusal konuları ele alan öyküler oldu. 1914’te Arvhibald Christie adlı bir doktorla evlendi ve yeniden Fransa’ya gitti. Oradayken vakit geçirmek üzere okuduğu dedektif öykülerinin daha iyilerini yazabileceğini düşünerek ilk polis romanı olan The Mysterous Affair at Styles’ı (Styles’daki Esrarengiz Olay) yazdı. Kitap çeşitli yayınevinlerince geri çevrildikten sonra 1920’de Bodley Head Yayınevi tarafından kabul edildi. Styles, Agatha Christie’nin ilk Hercule Poirot’u romanıdır.

Hercule Poirot, zekası, espri yeteneği, keskin gözlemciliği ve Avrupalı inceliği ile seçkinleşen Belçikalı bir dedektiftir. Cinayetleri “küçük gri hücreler” dediği beynini kullanarak çözmesi ve bu arada da İngiliz yüksek sınıfının özel yaşamının saklı yönlerini ortaya dökmesi ile tanınır. Agatha Christie’nin arka arkaya yazmaya başladığı polis romanları Poirot tipine uluslararası ün kazandırdı. Yazar ayrıca Miss Marple adının verdiği bir tip daha yarattı. Sevimli bir yaşlı kız olan amatör dedektif Miss Marple da çok tutuldu. 1928’de ilk kocasından boşanıp Max Mallowan’le evlendikten sonra birçok ülke gezip görme fırsatı bulan Christie’nin romanları 1930’larda çoğunlukla uluslararası mekânlarda geçmeye başladı.

Hayranlarınca her kitabı beğenilmekle birlikte, Agatha Christie’nin edebi kaygılarla yazdığı bazı romanlar eleştirmenlerin de dikkatini çekti. On Küçük Zenci ise polis romanının klasikleri arasındadır. Agatha Christie, İngiliz töre romanı geleneğinde yazdığı polis romanları ile dünya edebiyatında kendine özgü bir yerin sahibi olmuştur.

Christie 1971 yılında, İngiltere'nin en yüksek onur ünvanı olan Britanya İmparatorluğu Kadın Komutanı ünvanını almıştır.Yazar, 12 Ocak 1976 yılında yaşama veda etmiştir.

Bicentenario de la Independencia México

Lunes 13 de septiembre de 2010.- El Presidente Felipe Calderón Hinojosa destacó que hoy es necesario sumar voluntades y esfuerzos para consolidar un país que permita a sus jóvenes alcanzar sus metas y así contribuyan a la construcción de un México mejor.

México nos convoca a todos, a los actores políticos, económicos y sociales, a trabajar conjuntamente para vencer los desafíos que se presentan al desarrollo nacional.

La Patria exige altura de miras, generosidad indispensable para construir unidos un México más seguro, más equitativo, más fuerte, más limpio, más próspero, más democrático", enfatizó.

En la celebración del CLXIII Aniversario de la Gesta Heroica de los Niños Héroes, el Titular del Ejecutivo Federal indicó que la nuestra es una Patria en construcción, por lo que exhortó a todos a seguir en ello, a través de nuestros ideales de libertad, justicia, igualdad y democracia.

Ante el Altar de la Patria, acompañado por los representantes los tres órdenes de Gobierno, resaltó que los festejos del Bicentenario de la Independencia y el Centenario de la Revolución, deben ser momentos de fraternidad entre los mexicanos.

"Lo he dicho y reitero: Cuando nos unimos conquistamos nuestra Independencia, cuando nos dividimos perdimos la mitad de nuestro territorio; cuando nos unimos ganamos una Revolución, cuyos frutos llegan hasta ahora. Sólo unidos prosperamos. Esa es la gran lección de nuestra historia", indicó.

El Mandatario mexicano también llamó a asumir la responsabilidad histórica que nos corresponde, a fin de luchar por el México "con el que soñaron nuestros héroes, por el México por el que murieron nuestros jóvenes cadetes; por ese México que todos queremos ver y que está, precisamente, en el derecho de una historia tan grande como la que hemos tenido el privilegio de vivir, de remembrar y de construir".

Al respecto, resaltó que los Niños Héroes de 1847 nos dieron un ejemplo de que los jóvenes son capaces de asumir las más altas responsabilidades con entereza, con madurez y con amor a la Patria.

"Por eso, hoy nosotros, como Nación, tenemos el deber y el compromiso de generar las condiciones que permitan a todos nuestros jóvenes el prepararse, el dar lo mejor de sí, el triunfar en la vida, tanto en la escuela o en la universidad, como en el deporte, en las ciencias, en las artes y, desde luego, en el servicio de las armas; en cualquier ámbito de su vida personal o laboral al que estén llamados para su desarrollo", puntualizó.

Al término del evento, el Presidente Calderón, los representantes de los tres órdenes de Gobierno e integrantes del Gabinete presidencial, realizaron una Guardia de Honor, mientras se entonaba el Toque de Silencio.

Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (d. 15 Eylül 1890 – ö. 12 Ocak 1976), İngiliz yazar, popüler edebiyatın en önemli isimlerinden biri ve dedektif Hercule Poirot tipinin yaratıcısıdır. Mary Westmacott takma adıyla aşk romanları da yazmıştır. Ancak asıl ününü, yazdığı 80 dedektif romanına ve West End tiyatrolarında başarıyla sahnelenen oyunlarına borçludur.


Babası Frederick Alvah Millet, Agatha henüz küçük yaştayken öldü. Annesi tarafından evde eğitilen küçük kız, yalnız bir çocukluk geçirdi. Küçük yaşta öyküler yazmaya başladı. 16 yaşında, şan öğrenimi görmek üzere Paris’e yollandıysa da kısa sürede bundan vazgeçti. Ciddi anlamda ilk edebi denemeleri, duygusal konuları ele alan öyküler oldu. 1914’te Arvhibald Christie adlı bir doktorla evlendi ve yeniden Fransa’ya gitti. Oradayken vakit geçirmek üzere okuduğu dedektif öykülerinin daha iyilerini yazabileceğini düşünerek ilk polis romanı olan The Mysterous Affair at Styles’ı (Styles’daki Esrarengiz Olay) yazdı. Kitap çeşitli yayınevinlerince geri çevrildikten sonra 1920’de Bodley Head Yayınevi tarafından kabul edildi. Styles, Agatha Christie’nin ilk Hercule Poirot’u romanıdır.

Hercule Poirot, zekası, espri yeteneği, keskin gözlemciliği ve Avrupalı inceliği ile seçkinleşen Belçikalı bir dedektiftir. Cinayetleri “küçük gri hücreler” dediği beynini kullanarak çözmesi ve bu arada da İngiliz yüksek sınıfının özel yaşamının saklı yönlerini ortaya dökmesi ile tanınır. Agatha Christie’nin arka arkaya yazmaya başladığı polis romanları Poirot tipine uluslararası ün kazandırdı. Yazar ayrıca Miss Marple adının verdiği bir tip daha yarattı. Sevimli bir yaşlı kız olan amatör dedektif Miss Marple da çok tutuldu. 1928’de ilk kocasından boşanıp Max Mallowan’le evlendikten sonra birçok ülke gezip görme fırsatı bulan Christie’nin romanları 1930’larda çoğunlukla uluslararası mekânlarda geçmeye başladı.

Hayranlarınca her kitabı beğenilmekle birlikte, Agatha Christie’nin edebi kaygılarla yazdığı bazı romanlar eleştirmenlerin de dikkatini çekti. On Küçük Zenci ise polis romanının klasikleri arasındadır. Agatha Christie, İngiliz töre romanı geleneğinde yazdığı polis romanları ile dünya edebiyatında kendine özgü bir yerin sahibi olmuştur.

Christie 1971 yılında, İngiltere'nin en yüksek onur ünvanı olan Britanya İmparatorluğu Kadın Komutanı ünvanını almıştır.Yazar, 12 Ocak 1976 yılında yaşama veda etmiştir.

Dame Agatha Christie, DBE (15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976), was a British crime writer of novels, short stories and plays. She also wrote romances under the name Mary Westmacott, but she is best remembered for her 80 detective novels—especially those featuring Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple—and her successful West End theatre plays.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Christie is the best-selling writer of books of all time and, with William Shakespeare, the best-selling author of any kind. Only the Bible has sold more than her roughly four billion copies of novels According to UNESCO, Christie is the most translated individual author, with only the collective corporate works of Walt Disney Productions surpassing her. Her books have been translated into at least 103 languages.

Christie's stage play The Mousetrap holds the record for the longest initial run: it opened at the Ambassadors Theatre in London on 25 November 1952 and as of 2010 was still running after more than 23,000 performances. In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America's highest honour, the Grand Master Award, and in the same year Witness for the Prosecution was given an Edgar Award by the MWA for Best Play. Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some many times over (Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile and 4.50 From Paddington for instance), and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.

In 1968, Booker Books, a subsidiary of the agri-industrial conglomerate Booker-McConnell, bought a 51 percent stake in Agatha Christie Limited, the private company that Christie had set up for tax purposes. Booker later increased its stake to 64 percent. In 1998, Booker sold its shares to Chorion, a company whose portfolio also includes the literary estates of Enid Blyton and Dennis Wheatley.

In 2004, a 5,000-word story entitled The Incident of the Dog's Ball was found in the attic of the author's daughter. This story was the original version of the novel Dumb Witness. It was published in Britain in September 2009 in John Curran's Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years Of Mysteries, alongside another newly discovered Poirot story called The Capture of Cerberus (a story with the same title, but a different plot, to that published in The Labours Of Hercules). On November 10, 2009, Reuters announced that The Incident of the Dog's Ball will be published by The Strand Magazine.

Other works based on Christie's books and plays

Plays adapted into novels by Charles Osborne

  • 1998 Black Coffee (featuring Hercule Poirot, based on the 1930 play Black Coffee)
  • 1999 The Unexpected Guest (featuring Miss Marple, based on the 1958 play The Unexpected Guest)
  • 2000 Spider's Web (based on the 1954 play Spider's Web)

These three novels are now available in the collection Murder In Three Stages.

Plays adapted by other authors

  • 1928 Alibi (dramatised by Michael Morton from the novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd)
  • 1936 Love from a Stranger (dramatised by Frank Vosper from the short story Philomel Cottage)
  • 1939 Tea for Three (dramatised by Margery Vosper from the short story Accident)
  • 1940 Peril at End House (dramatised from her novel by Arnold Ridley)
  • 1949 Murder at the Vicarage (dramatised from the novel by Moie Charles and Barbara Toy)
  • 1977 Murder at the Vicarage (dramatised from the novel by Leslie Darbon)
  • 1981 Cards on the Table (dramatised from the novel by Leslie Darbon)
  • 1993 Murder is Easy (dramatised from the novel by Clive Exton)
  • 2005 And Then There Were None (dramatised from the novel by Kevin Elyot)


In late 1926, Agatha's husband, Archie, revealed that he was in love with another woman, Nancy Neele, and wanted a divorce. On December 8, 1926, the couple quarreled, and Archie Christie left their house Styles in Sunningdale, Berkshire, to spend the weekend with his mistress at Godalming, Surrey. That same evening Agatha disappeared from her home, leaving behind a letter for her secretary saying that she was going to Yorkshire. Her disappearance caused an outcry from the public, many of whom were admirers of Agatha Christie's novels. Despite a massive manhunt, she was not found for eleven days.

Eleven days after her disappearance, Christie was identified as a guest at the Swan Hydropathic Hotel (now the Old Swan Hotel in Harrogate, Yorkshire, where she was registered as 'Mrs Teresa Neele' from Cape Town. Christie gave no account of her disappearance. Although two doctors had diagnosed her as suffering from psychogenic fugue, opinion remains divided as to the reasons for her disappearance. One suggestion is that she had suffered a nervous breakdown brought about by a natural propensity for depression, exacerbated by her mother's death earlier that year and the discovery of her husband's infidelity. Public reaction at the time was largely negative, with many believing it a publicity stunt while others speculated she was trying to make the police believe her husband had killed her.

Dame Agatha May Clarissa Mallowan (Torquay, 15 de Setembro de 1890 — Wallingford, 12 de Janeiro de 1976), mundialmente conhecida como Agatha Christie, foi uma romancista policial britânica e autora de mais de oitenta livros. Seus livros são os mais traduzidos de todo o planeta, superados apenas pela Bíblia e pelas obras de Shakespeare, com mais de 4 bilhões de cópias vendidas em diversas línguas.[1]

Conhecida como Duquesa da Morte, Rainha do Crime, dentre outros títulos, criou os famosos personagens Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, Tommy e Tuppence Beresford e Parker Pyne, entre outros.

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller DBE (Torquay (Devon), 15 september 1890 - Wallingford (Oxfordshire), 12 januari 1976) was een Britse schrijfster, die uitgroeide tot een van de meest succesvolle auteurs aller tijden. Haar werken werden in tenminste 103 talen vertaald, en er werden ruim 4 miljard exemplaren van haar boeken verkocht.[1]

Agatha Christies oeuvre omvat 66 detectiveromans, 20 toneelstukken, 4 non-fictiewerken, 6 romans onder het pseudoniem Mary Westmacott en ongeveer 150 korte verhalen. Er zijn bijna 200 verfilmingen van/over Christies werk en over het leven van de auteur op het witte doek en de beeldbuis verschenen (de Japanse animatieserie over Hercule Poirot en Miss Marple uitgezonderd).

« Un archeologo è il marito migliore che una donna possa avere: più lei invecchia, più lui la troverà interessante. »

Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller, Lady Mallowan, DBE, nota come Agatha Christie (Torquay, 15 settembre 1890 – Wallingford, 12 gennaio 1976), è stata una scrittrice britannica. Tra le sue opere si annoverano, oltre ai romanzi gialli che l'hanno resa celebre, anche alcuni romanzi rosa scritti con lo pseudonimo di Mary Westmacott.

Giallista di fama mondiale, curò sempre i suoi romanzi con grande abilità, creando un'atmosfera intrigante attraverso personaggi ed ambienti di facile riconoscibilità: descrizioni accurate, senso della suspense, ambientazioni realistiche dettagliate, personaggi mai privi di spessore o di caratterizzazione. I suoi personaggi maggiori sono famosi in tutto il mondo: tra questi i più celebri, protagonisti di buona parte della sua produzione letteraria, sono l'investigatore belga Hercule Poirot e la simpatica vecchietta, nonché intrigante indagatrice, Miss Marple.

Ancora oggi i suoi romanzi sono pubblicati con successo in tutto il mondo. È la scrittrice inglese più tradotta, anche più di Shakespeare. Nella lingua originale i suoi libri sono stati venduti in un miliardo di copie e in egual numero in almeno 56 lingue differenti.



Life and career

[edit] Early life and first marriage

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, Devon, England, UK. Her mother, Clarissa Margaret Boehmer, was the daughter of a British army captain[7] but had been sent as a child to live with her own mother's sister, who was the second wife of a wealthy American. Eventually Margaret married her stepfather's son from his first marriage, Frederick Alvah Miller, an American stockbroker. Thus, the two women Agatha called "Grannie" were sisters. Despite her father's nationality as a "New Yorker" and her aunt's relation to the Pierpont Morgans, Agatha never claimed United States citizenship or connection.[8]

Agatha was the youngest of three. The Millers had two other children: Margaret Frary Miller (1879–1950), called Madge, who was eleven years Agatha's senior, and Louis Montant Miller (1880–1929), called Monty, ten years older than Agatha. Later, in her autobiography, Agatha would refer to her brother as "an amiable scapegrace of a brother".[9]

During the First World War, she worked at a hospital as a nurse; she liked the profession, calling it "one of the most rewarding professions that anyone can follow".[10] She later worked at a hospital pharmacy, a job that influenced her work, as many of the murders in her books are carried out with poison.

Despite a turbulent courtship, on Christmas Eve 1914 Agatha married Archibald Christie, an aviator in the Royal Flying Corps.[11] The couple had one daughter, Rosalind Hicks. They divorced in 1928, two years after Christie discovered her husband was having an affair.

Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, came out in 1920. During this marriage, Agatha published six novels, a collection of short stories, and a number of short stories in magazines.

In 1968, Booker Books, a subsidiary of the agri-industrial conglomerate Booker-McConnell, bought a 51 percent stake in Agatha Christie Limited, the private company that Christie had set up for tax purposes. Booker later increased its stake to 64 percent. In 1998, Booker sold its shares to Chorion, a company whose portfolio also includes the literary estates of Enid Blyton and Dennis Wheatley.[4]

In 2004, a 5,000-word story entitled The Incident of the Dog's Ball was found in the attic of the author's daughter. This story was the original version of the novel Dumb Witness. It was published in Britain in September 2009 in John Curran's Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years Of Mysteries, alongside another newly discovered Poirot story called The Capture of Cerberus (a story with the same title, but a different plot, to that published in The Labours Of Hercules).[5] On November 10, 2009, Reuters announced that The Incident of the Dog's Ball will be published by The Strand Magazine


Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller Christie Mallowan nació el 15 de septiembre de 1890 en Torquay (Devon, Inglaterra) fruto del matrimonio entre Frederick Alvah Miller, un corredor de bolsa estadounidense, y de Clarissa Margaret Boehmer, hija de un capitán de la Armada británica. Fue la menor de tres hermanos: Margaret Frary Miller (1879 – 1950), llamada Madge, once años mayor que ella, y Louis Montant Miller (1880 – 1929), llamado Monty, diez años mayor. Su padre falleció cuando ella tenía once años y su madre le dio clases en casa, animándola a escribir desde muy joven. A la edad de 16 años, asistió a la escuela de la señora Dryden, en París, a estudiar canto, danza y piano.[1]

Su primer matrimonio, nada feliz, fue en 1914 con el coronel Archibald Christie, aviador del Royal Flying Corps. Tuvieron una hija, Rosalind (1919-2004). Se divorció en 1928.

Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial trabajó en un hospital y en el dispensario del mismo, lo que tuvo cierta influencia en su obra: muchos de los asesinatos que relata se llevan a cabo con venenos.

El 3 de diciembre de 1926, desapareció durante diez días mientras se encontraba en Sunningdale (Berkshire), causando gran alarma en la prensa. Su coche se halló abandonado en una cantera de Newland's Corner (Surrey). Finalmente se la encontró en un hotel de Harrogate, el Swan Hydro (actualmente Old Swan Hotel), bajo el nombre de la mujer con quien su marido había reconocido recientemente serle infiel. Afirmó haber sufrido amnesia a causa de un ataque de nervios tras la muerte de su madre y la confesión de infidelidad por parte de su marido. Aún se discute si todo es verdad o simplemente un truco publicitario.[cita requerida] Esta aventura fue filmada en 1979 con el título "Agatha y la actuación de Vanessa Redgrave".

Dame Agatha Christie, DBE (15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976), was a British crime writer of novels, short stories and plays. She also wrote romances under the name Mary Westmacott, but she is best remembered for her 80 detective novels—especially those featuring Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple—and her successful West End theatre plays.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Christie is the best-selling writer of books of all time and, with William Shakespeare, the best-selling author of any kind. Only the Bible has sold more than her roughly four billion copies of novels.[1] According to UNESCO, Christie is the most translated individual author, with only the collective corporate works of Walt Disney Productions surpassing her.[2] Her books have been translated into at least 103 languages.[3]

Christie's stage play The Mousetrap holds the record for the longest initial run: it opened at the Ambassadors Theatre in London on 25 November 1952 and as of 2010 was still running after more than 23,000 performances. In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America's highest honour, the Grand Master Award, and in the same year Witness for the Prosecution was given an Edgar Award by the MWA for Best Play. Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some many times over (Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile and 4.50 From Paddington for instance), and many have been adapted for television, radio, video games and comics.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

CeBIT 2010 invitation

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25 thousand square meters of exhibition area will reach approximately 1.5 million visitors