Thursday, June 3, 2010

fbserver.exe-jqs.exe-as.exe-fbguard.exe-crypserv.exe- cdac11ba.exe-btwdins.exe-mdnsresponder.exe-pnkbstra.exe-

fbserver.exe is a process associated with Firebird SQL Server from The Firebird Project.\r

jqs.exe is a jqs\r belonging to Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U5\r from Sun Microsystems, Inc.\r

as.exe is a process belonging to Ascentive ActiveSpeed.\r "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.\r



fbguard.exe is a process associated with Firebird SQL Server from The Firebird Project.\r

Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it.
It is highly recommended to to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



crypserv.exe belongs to the CrypKey software, and is responsible for the licensing of this product. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.\r"

Recommendation Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to Run a Free Performance Scan to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings.



cdac11ba.exe is a process belonging to MacroVision safeCast copy protection software.\r This piece of software allows manufacturers to protect their products from illegal duplication. Disabling, or deleting this process may corrupt the product it was supplied with.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



btwdins.exe is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System which deals with Bluetooth functionality and should not be terminated.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



The process mdnsresponder.exe is a component of the Apple Service, which is identified with the Bonjour for Windows software application initially utilized by iTunes because of its music sharing functionality. The mdnsresponder.exe process is a native element of the Mac OS X operating system and is associated with the MDNSNSP.DLL, which was ported for the Microsoft Windows Operating System environment.

The Bonjour Service supported by the file mdnsresponder.exe is also described as a zero configuration networking process that provides an automatic discovery feature for services, devices, and computers that are residing on IP based networks. Mdnsresponder.exe utilizes the industry standard IP protocol, which provides devices with an automatic discovery feature without requiring user intervention (when entering IP addresses) or the need for configuring DNS servers.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



pnkbstra.exe is a process\r . This is usually installed with latest games like Battlefield 2142 and America's Army. This is usually detected as malware but if removed will effect the games installed especially when online.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory,