Tuesday, June 29, 2010







In 1998, a fisherman named Jean-Claude Bianco found, east of Riou Island, south of Marseille, a silver identity bracelet bearing the names of Saint-Exupéry and his wife Consuelo[10] and his publishers, Reynal & Hitchcock, hooked to a piece of fabric, presumably from his flight suit.

In 2000, a diver named Luc Vanrell found a P-38 Lightning crashed in the seabed off the coast of Marseille, near where the bracelet was found. The remains of the aircraft were recovered in October 2003.[10] On 7 April 2004, investigators from the French Underwater Archaeological Department confirmed that the plane was, indeed, Saint-Exupéry's F-5B reconnaissance variant. No marks or holes attributable to gunfire were found, however this was not considered significant as only a small portion of the aircraft was recovered.[11] In June 2004, the fragments were given to the Museum of Air and Space in Le Bourget.[12]

The location of the crash site and the bracelet are less than 80 km by sea from where the unidentified French soldier was found in Carqueiranne, and it remains plausible, but has not been confirmed, that the body was carried there by ocean currents after the crash over the course of several days.

  • Saint-Exupéry is commemorated by a plaque in the Parisian Panthéon.
  • Until the euro was introduced in 2002, his image and his drawing of the Little Prince appeared on France's 50-franc note.
  • In 2000, the Lyon Satolas Airport was renamed Lyon-Saint-Exupéry Airport in his honour.
  • There is a monument for him in Tarfaya, Morocco.
  • Asteroid 2578 Saint-Exupéry

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry[1] (French pronunciation: [ɑ̃twan də sɛ̃tɛɡzypeˈʁi]) (29 June 1900—31 July 1944) was a French writer and aviator. He is best remembered for his novella The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince), and for his books about aviation adventures, including Night Flight and Wind, Sand and Stars.

He was a successful commercial pilot before World War II, joining the Armée de l'Air (French Air Force) on the outbreak of war, flying reconnaissance missions until the armistice with Germany. Following a spell of writing in the United States, he joined the Free French Forces. He disappeared on a reconnaissance flight over the Mediterranean in July 1944.



Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери родился во французском городе Лионе, происходил из старинного провинциального дворянского рода, и был третьим из пятерых детей виконта Жана де Сент-Экзюпери и его супруги Мари де Фонколомб. В возрасте четырёх лет потерял отца. Воспитанием маленького Антуана занималась мать.





Monday, June 28, 2010


Round of last 16
world cup 2010 Durban Stadium, Durban
Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg

Julio César Claudio Bravo
Maicon Mauricio Isla
Lucio Pablo Contreras
Juan Ismael Fuentes
Michel Bastos Arturo Vidal
Josué Carlos Carmona
Gilberto Silva Rodrigo Millar
Elano Matias Fernandez
Kaka Alexis Sanchez
Robinho Humberto Suazo
Luis Fabiano Jean Beausejour


Round of last 16
world cup 2010 Durban Stadium, Durban
Durban Stadium, Durban

Maarten Stekelenburg Jan Mucha
Gregory van der Wiel Peter Pekarik
Johnny Heitinga Martin Skrtel
Joris Mathijsen Jan Durica
Giovanni v. Bronckhorst Radoslav Zabavnik
Nigel de Jong Vladimir Weiss
Mark van Bommel Marek Hamsik
Dirk Kuyt Juraj Kucka
Wesley Sneijder Miroslav Stoch
Arjen Robben Robert Vittek
Robin van Persie Erik Jendrisek

Monday, June 21, 2010



A lo largo de la costa del río Uruguay, se extiende uno de los reservorios de agua subterránea más grandes del mundo: el Acuífero Guaraní. Allí, las aguas llegan a la superficie terrestre con una temperatura que oscila entre los 38 y los 46° C, lo cual hace de este sitio un lugar excelente para el termalismo. Complejos termales y parques acuáticos forman parte de este especial.


El balneario Iporá abre sus puertas para ofrecer todo su encanto natural y su variada infraestructura. Una excelente propuesta para disfrutar a lo largo del año.



A differenza di quanto accade nella fascia tra i tropici, le località poste esattamente su uno dei due tropici sperimentano il fenomeno una sola volta e proprio in corrispondenza di uno dei due giugno nei luoghi attraversati dal tropico del Cancro.

(Il fenomeno invece non si verifica per le località poste tra uno dei tropici e il relativo

Intorno al 21 Giugno il Sole raggiunge lo Zenit, cioè il punto più alto sopra di noi. Il giorno così si spinge fino alla sua massima durata e la notte è la più corta dell’anno.

Come il Solstizio d’Inverno e i due Equinozi, questa festa è un periodo di stasi, un momento in cui il Sole si trova in precario equilibrio e per qualche giorno sembra fermo sull’orizzonte e gli antichi svolgevano riti perché il Sole ricominciasse il suo ciclo infinito.

Il Solstizio d’Estate è un grande punto di passaggio della Ruota dell’Anno, si passa dalla fase crescente del Sole, periodo che va dal Solstizio d’Inverno al Solstizio d’Estate in cui il giorno cresce sulla notte, alla fase calante del Sole, periodo che va dal Solstizio d’Estate al Solstizio d’Inverno in cui la notte cresce sul giorno. Nei miti nordici questo passaggio è rappresentato dall’eterna lotta tra il Re della Quercia, sovrano della parte crescente dell’anno, e il Re Agrifoglio, regnante della parte calante dell’anno. Lo scontro tra i due Re avviene durante i Solstizi, durante il Solstizio d’Estate il Re Quercia muore per lasciare posto al Re Agrifoglio, mentre durante il Solstizio d’Inverno il Re Agrifoglio perisce per far si che il Re Quercia possa Regnare. Quando uno dei sovrani muore va nel regno della Dea Arianrhood (ruota d’argento) per ritemprarsi in attesa della rinascita. Questa battaglia è comune in molte mitologie, esempi sono riportati nel “Ramo d’Oro” di Freazer, e nei libri di Robert Graves.

Anche in molte tradizioni Wiccan questo duello viene simbolicamente riproposto, infatti il mito del Re Agrifoglio e del Re Quercia è presente nella ritualistica Gradneriana e Alexandriana, come di molte altre tradizioni più tarde.

Molte sono le antiche credenze e usanze collegate al Solstizio d’Estate, una festa indubbiamente collegata alla fertilità dei campi, infatti ciò che era stato piantato in precedenza comincia a farsi visibile, la Terra è rigogliosa, molti frutti e ortaggi vengono raccolti e mangiati o venduti, per permettere il sostentamento della comunità. Questo si ribaltava nei riti e negli usi delle popolazioni, in alcuni paesi, come il Galles per esempio, c’erano e ci sono usanze legate alla fertilità della donna e dell’uomo o alla divinazione nei riguardi dell’amore.

Nella fase di cristianizzazione delle feste rurali al Solstizio d’Estate è stato sovrapposto la festa di San Giovanni, che è considerata una festa per la raccolta di molte erbe, tra cui l’iperico che è l’erba di San Giovanni, molte sono le tradizioni legate a questa festa, la più conosciuta è la raccolta della rugiada della notte tra il 23 e il 24 Giugno. La rugiada raccolta in questa notte avrebbe capacità taumaturgiche di ogni tipo e in magia è utilizzata per , specialmente in amore, in Brianza se la forma dell’uovo assomiglia ad una barca gli auspici sono ottimi.

Inutile dire che molte di queste tradizioni sono legate al mondo rurale e pagano, assorbite però dalle festività religiose cristiane senza però snaturarne le origini e il senso delle stesse.

Essendo il Solstizio d’Estate un punto di passaggio focale nell’anno agricolo e astronomico è e rimane una festa dedita alla fertilità, ma soprattutto all’introspezione, si dovrebbe analizzare il periodo percorso per poter nello sprint finale della Ruota dell’Anno porre in essere quegli aggiustamenti necessari per avere un ottimo “raccolto” nelle festività successive.







In 1964, Sartre renounced literature in a witty and sardonic account of the first ten years of his life, Les mots (Words). The book is an ironic counterballast to , whose reputation had unexpectedly eclipsed that of (who had provided the model of littérature engagée for Sartre's generation). Literature, Sartre concluded, functioned ultimately as a bourgeois substitute for real commitment in the world. In October 1964, Sartre was awarded the but he declined it. He was the first Nobel Laureate to voluntarily decline the prize



Solhverv kommer fra oldnordisk hverfa og betyder vende.

På den nordlige halvkugle er den første dato den længste dag og kaldes sommersolhverv, den sidste dato den korteste og kaldes vintersolhverv. På den sydlige halvkugle er forholdet det omvendte.



Sartre, toujours accompagné de Nizan, prépare le concours d'entrée à l'École normale supérieure au . Il y fait ses premières armes littéraires, en écrivant notamment deux petits contes, deux sinistres histoires de professeurs de province, dans lesquelles éclatent son ironie et son dégoût pour les vies conventionnelles. Dans le même temps Sartre reprend son rôle d’amuseur public avec Nizan, jouant blagues et petites scènes entre les cours. Deux ans après leur entrée à Louis-le-Grand, Sartre et Nizan sont tous deux reçus au concours.

Sartre se fait tout de suite remarquer dans ce que Nizan appelle « l’école prétendue normale et dite supérieure ». Sartre reste en effet le redoutable instigateur de toutes les plaisanteries, de tous les chahuts, allant jusqu’à provoquer un scandale en jouant avec ses amis un



Sunday, June 20, 2010









Saturday, June 19, 2010



Saturday, June 12, 2010



Africa World Cup 2010



Dünya Kupası'nda desteklediğiniz takımla ilgili gelişmeleri takip edin











Friday, June 11, 2010






















Saturday, June 5, 2010



Planes carrying 520 aid volunteers and nine dead bodies of activists killed by Israeli security forces on Monday returned home on Thursday, with many claiming mistreatment at the hands of Israeli military officers and other officials and additional allegations that not everyone has returned.

Activists say some people who were initially on the flotilla are missing. They are also telling stories of horror, carnage and pure barbarism at the hands of Israeli officials. In a shocking account, Humanitarian Aid Foundation (İHH) President Bülent Yıldırım, who returned on Thursday, said a photographer, whose first name was Cevdet, was shot in the forehead by a soldier one meter away from him. “Our Cevdet [Kılıçlar], he is a press member. He has become a martyr. All he was doing was taking pictures. They smashed his skull into pieces. We soon made out that these were real bullets they were firing. Rubber bullets also kill because you shoot at very close range, between one-and-a-half and two meters.”

Kevin Ovenden of Britain, an activist on the ship that arrived in İstanbul on Thursday, also said a man who had pointed a camera at the soldiers was shot directly through the forehead with live ammunition, with the exit wound blowing away back of his skull.

There were also claims that Israeli official reports on the number of people killed are untruthful. Yıldırım said, “Until now they have returned nine dead bodies, but our list is bigger. There are people missing.” Speaking to journalists at Atatürk International Airport shortly after his return, Yıldırım said: “We saw 38 injured who were brought back to us by doctors after the attack. Now they are saying there are 21 people who have been injured.” Yıldırım was on the main passenger ship, the Mavi Marmara, which the Israeli navy attacked at the start of its raid.

Another witness, Yücel Köse, who was on the ship Gazze repeated Yıldırım’s allegations of missing people. “The Mavi Marmara was bombed right in front of our eyes. They threw the wounded into the water,” he said. Köse said the soldiers were upset when some of their men were held by activists aboard the Mavi Marmara.




Planes carrying 520 aid volunteers and nine dead bodies of activists killed by Israeli security forces on Monday returned home on Thursday, with many claiming mistreatment at the hands of Israeli military officers and other officials and additional allegations that not everyone has returned.

Activists say some people who were initially on the flotilla are missing. They are also telling stories of horror, carnage and pure barbarism at the hands of Israeli officials. In a shocking account, Humanitarian Aid Foundation (İHH) President Bülent Yıldırım, who returned on Thursday, said a photographer, whose first name was Cevdet, was shot in the forehead by a soldier one meter away from him. “Our Cevdet [Kılıçlar], he is a press member. He has become a martyr. All he was doing was taking pictures. They smashed his skull into pieces. We soon made out that these were real bullets they were firing. Rubber bullets also kill because you shoot at very close range, between one-and-a-half and two meters.”

Kevin Ovenden of Britain, an activist on the ship that arrived in İstanbul on Thursday, also said a man who had pointed a camera at the soldiers was shot directly through the forehead with live ammunition, with the exit wound blowing away back of his skull.

There were also claims that Israeli official reports on the number of people killed are untruthful. Yıldırım said, “Until now they have returned nine dead bodies, but our list is bigger. There are people missing.” Speaking to journalists at Atatürk International Airport shortly after his return, Yıldırım said: “We saw 38 injured who were brought back to us by doctors after the attack. Now they are saying there are 21 people who have been injured.” Yıldırım was on the main passenger ship, the Mavi Marmara, which the Israeli navy attacked at the start of its raid.

Another witness, Yücel Köse, who was on the ship Gazze repeated Yıldırım’s allegations of missing people. “The Mavi Marmara was bombed right in front of our eyes. They threw the wounded into the water,” he said. Köse said the soldiers were upset when some of their men were held by activists aboard the Mavi Marmara.




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Thursday, June 3, 2010

fbserver.exe-jqs.exe-as.exe-fbguard.exe-crypserv.exe- cdac11ba.exe-btwdins.exe-mdnsresponder.exe-pnkbstra.exe-

fbserver.exe is a process associated with Firebird SQL Server from The Firebird Project.\r

jqs.exe is a jqs\r belonging to Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U5\r from Sun Microsystems, Inc.\r

as.exe is a process belonging to Ascentive ActiveSpeed.\r "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.\r



fbguard.exe is a process associated with Firebird SQL Server from The Firebird Project.\r

Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it.
It is highly recommended to to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



crypserv.exe belongs to the CrypKey software, and is responsible for the licensing of this product. "This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.\r"

Recommendation Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to Run a Free Performance Scan to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings.



cdac11ba.exe is a process belonging to MacroVision safeCast copy protection software.\r This piece of software allows manufacturers to protect their products from illegal duplication. Disabling, or deleting this process may corrupt the product it was supplied with.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



btwdins.exe is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating System which deals with Bluetooth functionality and should not be terminated.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



The process mdnsresponder.exe is a component of the Apple Service, which is identified with the Bonjour for Windows software application initially utilized by iTunes because of its music sharing functionality. The mdnsresponder.exe process is a native element of the Mac OS X operating system and is associated with the MDNSNSP.DLL, which was ported for the Microsoft Windows Operating System environment.

The Bonjour Service supported by the file mdnsresponder.exe is also described as a zero configuration networking process that provides an automatic discovery feature for services, devices, and computers that are residing on IP based networks. Mdnsresponder.exe utilizes the industry standard IP protocol, which provides devices with an automatic discovery feature without requiring user intervention (when entering IP addresses) or the need for configuring DNS servers.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings..



pnkbstra.exe is a process\r . This is usually installed with latest games like Battlefield 2142 and America's Army. This is usually detected as malware but if removed will effect the games installed especially when online.


Not a critical component, but see the information above before disabling it. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory,


wscntfy.exe is a part of the Microsoft Windows Security system and outputs the current security status of your computer. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.\r




The alg.exe executable allows applications (such as IM clients, RTSP, BitTorrent, SIP, and FTP) from a client computer to dynamically utilize passive TCP/ UDP ports in communicating with known ports on a server. This allows software to access applications that reside on another computer even if there is a firewall.

The alg.exe file’s absence would cause the security protocols to block communication ports, or for network administrators to consciously open numerous ports on the firewall that would create immense network vulnerability and potential threats.

The development of alg.exe was done within the context of computer networking architectures, where it is associated with the Application Level (or Layer) Gateway Service, as well as Network Address Translation, and is designed to supplement the firewall protection of a network.


alg.exe should not be disabled, required for essential applications to work properly.. It is highly recommended to automatically optimize memory, CPU and Internet Settings.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010



Festa della Repubblica Italiana

La Festa della Repubblica italiana è la principale festa nazionale italiana. Viene celebrata il 2 giugno a ricordo della nascita della Repubblica.

Lo stemma della Repubblica, ad esempio, è formato da tre elementi: la stella, la ruota dentata, un ramo di ulivo a sinistra e uno di quercia a destra.

La stella è da sempre uno degli emblemi d’Italia, già nell’iconografia del Rinascimento. Il simbolo della stella indica tra l’altro l’appartenenza alle Forze Armate del nostro Paese.

La ruota dentata d’acciaio è il simbolo dell’attività lavorativa e traduce il primo articolo della Carta Costituzionale: “L’Italia è una Repubblica democratica fondata sul lavoro”.

Arriviamo ai ramoscelli, ai quali raramente si presta attenzione.
Sono due differenti presenze arboree nostrane.
Il ramo di ulivo simboleggia la volontà di pace della nazione, sia interna che internazionale, mentre la quercia incarna la forza e la dignità del popolo italiano.

Del Tricolore, bisogna ricordare che, come bandiera nazionale, nasce a Reggio Emilia il 7 gennaio 1797, nell’ambito della Repubblica Cispadana.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

